The welsh rugby team

27 November, 2006 at 12:30 pm (moosh)

I had been chomping at the bit to go to Cardiff for a while now, and decided that I just had to go. This Saturday. The excuse was to get a birthday pressie for my sister – but I actually wanted just to fwap around in shoe shops.

I was slightly worried after checking the Millenium Stadium’s website on the Friday just to make sure that no big games were playing and found out that Wales were in fact playing the All Blacks. Oh dear. I’d had the misfortune to be in Cardiff a few years back when some big football game was going on there (I forget who exactly – some London team. meh – like I’d know) and regretted every minute of it as the football supporters really did live up to their thuggish reputation. Anyway – I’d decided that my need of shoe shops outweighed the worry of big drunk rugby supporters.

I was very glad that I did go – the day was perfect. Shopping plus lots of strapping rugby lads in a jolly (not thuggish) mood equals a happy moosh 😀 I even got to see the whole welsh rugby team. Woo! Although they didn’t look particularly thrilled about it. You would have thought having all of Cardiff clapping and cheering for you as you went by would have made you at least smile and wave, wouldn’t you? Perhaps not. Perhaps they knew that they were about to get a thrashing from the All Blacks.

The only downside to the day was seeing “Pyschic Dave”. Stop that laughing now! I was hoping that he’d tell me I’d get that payrise I’m after and go travelling loads. Instead he told me that I would have a baby within 6 months. I was NOT impressed. I’m hoping that he was just a charleton telling people what he thought they wanted to hear. That’s what I’m telling myself anyway. I’m also thinking of investing in a chastity belt (well, you can’t be too careful now can you)


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