A quick question…

7 October, 2007 at 10:46 pm (moosh) (, )

Would you rather:

Fist David Cameron live on TV


Wank a badger in the privacy of your own home?


[most people so far seem to be opting for the badger option, although this can in no way be considered a scientific study, or an indication that people would vote conservative]


  1. Bea Whale said,

    ‘Cept me who said I’d fist Dave. *smiles wildly with mad glint in the eyes*

    Cos I’m weird.

    Dirty weird. *ditto*

  2. moosh said,

    Me personally, I’d fist David too.

    I’d fist Gordon aswell, if it was deemed necessary. But that’s just me.

    Oh god, did I just say that out loud?

  3. Dracunculus Draco said,

    Would it be OK if I wanked the badger live on TV? You see I’d like my 15 minutes of infamy but don’t have the time commitment to go in the Big Brother house.

  4. moosh said,

    No, I’m affraid if you want your 15 minutes of fame – you’ll just have to opt for fisting David Cameron. What you and a badger get up to behind closed doors is your own business 😉

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