I won.

6 July, 2006 at 3:34 pm (School-day reminiscing, Twaddle)

Woooo. I won. I won!

I never win anything, not that I enter into anything to win. I don’t buy up masses of a certain type of women’s magazine and enter the all the competitions going. Maybe I should, just as an experiment, but considering this is my second-only time of triumph maybe I should hold onto my money.

No money was wasted in the taking part of the Da Vinci Code Google Quest, for that is what I’ve gotten rather excited about. I never set out to win any of the prizes that were on offer as a result of completing the quest, I was simply enjoying wasting many hours of time in doing it. I did cheat however, so it’s probably just as well that I didn’t win one of the big prizes and the fact that there were 1000s of prizes does take the shine off of my winner’s status somewhat.

Books, I like books, I’m not sure about Mr D. Brown’s books however, but now I am the proud-ish owner of four of them and all for free. I’m not sure yet if this a greater prize than my first winning moment, aged 7 or 8 – two tickets to some circus or other that was dropping by the local park. Which for a family of five was a bit wank. A family friend gave us a few more tickets and we all went together. There are photo’s of it all somewhere in the house, with my brother’s blond head in most of them. He took to standing right at the front. As to what happened at the circus I remember nothing.

I drew the successful picture of a circus scene, actually I didn’t. It was a scene that had mostly to be coloured in, and my effort of drawing in lots of faces in the otherwise empty crowd space paid off. I do remember a teacher or someone commentating about these faces and the little tufts of grass I’d included as the thing that made mine the stand-out choice. I was very pleased with myself, but I didn’t let it go to my head. I don’t think I actually consciously put any effort into winning, I wanted to make my picture look decent. And because the whole task of picture drawing/colouring in took up an afternoon of not having to maths or something.

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12 May, 2006 at 5:36 pm (Organised Thoughts, School-day reminiscing)


  • 1 pack of playing cards, design of your choosing
  • Minimum of four people, up to the maximum of thirteen, but it can get messy with that many peeps

Based on four players:

Separate the face cards from the pack, shuffle these selected cards and deal t4ofakind.jpghem out amongst the four players. The final objective is to hold one card of each of the suits, before the really exciting part kicks in, more on that later. Once the cards are dealt, it should be decided which direction play will commence. It's entirely up to the group whether clockwise or anti-clockwise is preferred. This is only done at the very start of the game, as the direction stays the same for the duration.

Each player must select a card from their current hand to discard and pass to
the person on their left/right. Each player does this. The person on the
right/left must pick up this discarded card, in the hope that is the
card they are seeking to complete their secretly chosen set. No one is to let anyone see which card they are discarding until the pick up, which should be done simultaneously around the table. You don't want the rest of the players knowing which cards you are seeking. This continues (and it can go on and on and on, if one or more players are seeking the same set of cards) until one, or more, players has a full set of cards, at which point chaos descends!

As soon as one person has achieved a "full-house" (not meant in the poker sense!), that player must slam their hand into the centre of the table/floor/group and shout PIG! Or a some other random word, or a sweary word, if the mood takes you; the word must be decided upon before play starts. At the same time, everyone else must also slam their hand on top of the winners hand, otherwise they are out. The last person who is too slow, or half dead, to get their hand onto the pile is out. The winner stays in for the next round. This continues until two players are left, and at the end of their game, the winner is decided.

To add more players, simply add any of the other sets of cards of the same denomination of the same suit: 10s, 9s, 8s, 7s, 6s, 5s, 4s, 3s, 2s and/or 1s. When playing all the cards, with the maximum thirteen players, the end result can be a long winded affair. And when the PIG moment does arrive, very painful. You have been warned!

by whale

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